Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022


Overall Team Statistics

Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022 Sherbrooke Overall Team Statistics (as of Feb 27, 2022) All matches Overall record: 9-3 Conf: 9-3 Home: 4-2 Away: 5-1 Neutral: 0-0 TEAM STATISTICS SHE OPP -------------------------------------------------------- ATTACK........................ Kills....................... 506 428 Errors...................... 211 282 Total Attacks............... 1381 1432 Attack Pct.................. .214 .102 Kills/Game.................. 11.0 9.3 SET........................... Assists..................... 470 401 Attempts.................... 527 484 Assist Pct.................. .892 .829 Assists/Game................ 10.2 8.7 SERVE......................... Aces........................ 89 57 Errors...................... 142 101 Attempts.................... 941 820 Serve Pct................... .849 .877 Aces/Game................... 1.9 1.2 SERVE RECEPTIONS.............. Errors...................... 55 88 Errors/Game................. 1.2 1.9 Attempts.................... 717 811 Reception Pct............... .923 .891 DEFENSE....................... Digs........................ 598 569 Digs/Game................... 13.0 12.4 BLOCKING...................... Block Solo.................. 46 33 Block Assist................ 106 58 Total Blocks................ 99.0 62.0 Blocks Per Game............. 2.2 1.3 Block Errors................ 35 28 BALL HANDLING ERRORS.......... 11 21 ATTENDANCE.................... Total....................... 679 750 Dates/Avg Per Date.......... 6/113 6/125 Neutral site #/Avg.......... 0/0 Current win streak.......... 1 - Home win streak............. 0 - MATCH WINS BY #GAMES 1 2 3 4 5 Total ----------------------------------------------------- Sherbrooke.......... 0 0 3 5 1 - 9 Opponents........... 0 0 1 1 1 - 3 GAMES WON BY GAME 1 2 3 4 5 Total ----------------------------------------------------- Sherbrooke.......... 7 7 8 7 1 - 30 Opponents........... 5 5 4 1 1 - 16 POINTS BY GAME 1 2 3 4 5 Total ----------------------------------------------------- Sherbrooke.......... 272 277 279 197 26 - 1051 Opponents........... 247 243 225 148 27 - 890

Overall Individual Statistics

Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022 Sherbrooke Overall Individual Statistics (as of Feb 27, 2022) All matches Overall record: 9-3 Conf: 9-3 Home: 4-2 Away: 5-1 Neutral: 0-0 |-----------ATTACK---------| |---------SET---------| |----------SERVE-----------| ## Name GP-MP-MS K K/Game E TA Pct A A/Game TA Pct SA SA/Gm SE TA Pct ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Danae Vaillancourt 46 12-0 3 0.07 1 10 .200 32 0.70 39 .821 0 0.00 0 0 .000 2 Emilie Dumetz 12 7-0 2 0.17 0 3 .667 12 1.00 17 .706 0 0.00 1 3 .667 3 Victoria Courchesne 8 4-0 1 0.12 0 1 1.000 0 0.00 0 .000 2 0.25 2 10 .800 4 Emma Bergeron 46 12-12 22 0.48 6 62 .258 363 7.89 380 .955 15 0.33 11 195 .944 5 Maude Frechette 46 12-12 115 2.50 45 312 .224 20 0.43 24 .833 17 0.37 25 173 .855 6 Gabrielle Minier 38 11-8 54 1.42 15 139 .281 6 0.16 8 .750 5 0.13 12 76 .842 7 Camille Theriault 27 10-1 19 0.70 13 61 .098 16 0.59 16 1.000 9 0.33 10 66 .848 8 Jael-Esther Telfort 40 12-9 89 2.22 38 241 .212 6 0.15 12 .500 13 0.32 21 140 .850 9 Marianne Boucher 32 11-9 43 1.34 24 108 .176 1 0.03 3 .333 3 0.09 16 63 .746 10 Catherine Lavigne 27 8-8 65 2.41 22 161 .267 2 0.07 8 .250 6 0.22 16 65 .754 11 Jade Barrette 24 11-2 14 0.58 7 63 .111 3 0.12 5 .600 1 0.04 3 36 .917 13 Catherine Meilleur 1 1-0 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0 .000 0 0.00 1 1 .000 14 Gabriella Grenier 14 7-3 12 0.86 6 29 .207 1 0.07 2 .500 2 0.14 4 24 .833 15 Ariane Fortin-Haines 27 9-0 0 0.00 0 0 .000 3 0.11 5 .600 0 0.00 0 1 1.000 16 Madeleine Ouellet-L. 26 10-4 35 1.35 20 100 .150 3 0.12 4 .750 6 0.23 11 63 .825 18 Sophie Tremblay 20 7-4 32 1.60 13 90 .211 2 0.10 4 .500 10 0.50 9 25 .640 SHERBROOKE.......... 46 12-12 506 11.00 211 1381 .214 470 10.22 527 .892 89 1.93 142 941 .849 Opponents........... 46 12-12 428 9.30 282 1432 .102 401 8.72 484 .829 57 1.24 101 820 .877 |----RECEPT----| |---DIG---| |--------BLOCKING---------| ## Name G RE TA Pct DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game BE BHE POINTS Pts/Gm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Danae Vaillancourt 46 14 274 .949 108 2.35 0 0 0 0.00 1 0 3.0 0.07 2 Emilie Dumetz 12 0 0 .000 5 0.42 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 2.0 0.17 3 Victoria Courchesne 8 0 0 .000 1 0.12 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 3.0 0.38 4 Emma Bergeron 46 0 6 1.000 111 2.41 7 14 21 0.46 8 4 51.0 1.11 5 Maude Frechette 46 9 150 .940 102 2.22 7 14 21 0.46 1 1 146.0 3.17 6 Gabrielle Minier 38 0 3 1.000 28 0.74 4 18 22 0.58 4 0 72.0 1.89 7 Camille Theriault 27 1 68 .985 32 1.19 0 0 0 0.00 3 0 28.0 1.04 8 Jael-Esther Telfort 40 5 14 .643 42 1.05 4 9 13 0.32 3 1 110.5 2.76 9 Marianne Boucher 32 0 0 .000 8 0.25 18 19 37 1.16 4 1 73.5 2.30 10 Catherine Lavigne 27 10 102 .902 40 1.48 1 12 13 0.48 1 0 78.0 2.89 11 Jade Barrette 24 1 40 .975 28 1.17 1 0 1 0.04 3 0 16.0 0.67 13 Catherine Meilleur 1 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0 0.00 14 Gabriella Grenier 14 0 0 .000 6 0.43 3 6 9 0.64 1 0 20.0 1.43 15 Ariane Fortin-Haines 27 0 4 1.000 53 1.96 0 0 0 0.00 0 1 0.0 0.00 16 Madeleine Ouellet-L. 26 0 1 1.000 12 0.46 1 11 12 0.46 2 1 47.5 1.83 18 Sophie Tremblay 20 6 9 .333 22 1.10 0 3 3 0.15 4 2 43.5 2.17 TEAM 9 SHERBROOKE.......... 46 55 717 .923 598 13.00 46 106 99.0 2.15 35 11 694.0 15.09 Opponents........... 46 88 811 .891 569 12.37 33 58 62.0 1.35 28 21 547.0 11.89

Category Leaders

Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022 Sherbrooke Category Leaders (as of Feb 27, 2022) All matches ## ATTACK (by Pct) G K K/Game E TA Pct -------------------------------------------------------- 3 Victoria Courchesne 8 1 0.12 0 1 1.000 2 Emilie Dumetz 12 2 0.17 0 3 .667 6 Gabrielle Minier 38 54 1.42 15 139 .281 10 Catherine Lavigne 27 65 2.41 22 161 .267 4 Emma Bergeron 46 22 0.48 6 62 .258 5 Maude Frechette 46 115 2.50 45 312 .224 8 Jael-Esther Telfort 40 89 2.22 38 241 .212 18 Sophie Tremblay 20 32 1.60 13 90 .211 14 Gabriella Grenier 14 12 0.86 6 29 .207 1 Danae Vaillancourt 46 3 0.07 1 10 .200 9 Marianne Boucher 32 43 1.34 24 108 .176 16 Madeleine Ouellet-L. 26 35 1.35 20 100 .150 11 Jade Barrette 24 14 0.58 7 63 .111 7 Camille Theriault 27 19 0.70 13 61 .098 TM TEAM 46 0 0.00 1 1 -1.000 SHERBROOKE.......... 46 506 11.00 211 1381 .214 Opponents........... 46 428 9.30 282 1432 .102 ## SET (by A/Game) G A A/Game TA Pct --------------------------------------------------- 4 Emma Bergeron 46 363 7.89 380 .955 2 Emilie Dumetz 12 12 1.00 17 .706 1 Danae Vaillancourt 46 32 0.70 39 .821 7 Camille Theriault 27 16 0.59 16 1.000 5 Maude Frechette 46 20 0.43 24 .833 6 Gabrielle Minier 38 6 0.16 8 .750 8 Jael-Esther Telfort 40 6 0.15 12 .500 11 Jade Barrette 24 3 0.12 5 .600 16 Madeleine Ouellet-L. 26 3 0.12 4 .750 15 Ariane Fortin-Haines 27 3 0.11 5 .600 18 Sophie Tremblay 20 2 0.10 4 .500 10 Catherine Lavigne 27 2 0.07 8 .250 14 Gabriella Grenier 14 1 0.07 2 .500 9 Marianne Boucher 32 1 0.03 3 .333 SHERBROOKE.......... 46 470 10.22 527 .892 Opponents........... 46 401 8.72 484 .829 ## BLOCK (by B/Game) G BS BA Total B/Game BE ------------------------------------------------------- 9 Marianne Boucher 32 18 19 37.0 1.16 4 14 Gabriella Grenier 14 3 6 9.0 0.64 1 6 Gabrielle Minier 38 4 18 22.0 0.58 4 10 Catherine Lavigne 27 1 12 13.0 0.48 1 16 Madeleine Ouellet-L. 26 1 11 12.0 0.46 2 5 Maude Frechette 46 7 14 21.0 0.46 1 4 Emma Bergeron 46 7 14 21.0 0.46 8 8 Jael-Esther Telfort 40 4 9 13.0 0.32 3 18 Sophie Tremblay 20 0 3 3.0 0.15 4 11 Jade Barrette 24 1 0 1.0 0.04 3 7 Camille Theriault 27 0 0 0.0 0.00 3 1 Danae Vaillancourt 46 0 0 0.0 0.00 1 SHERBROOKE.......... 46 46 106 99.0 2.15 35 Opponents........... 46 33 58 62.0 1.35 28 ## POINTS (by ##) G Points Pts/G ------------------------------------------ 1 Danae Vaillancourt 46 3.0 0.07 2 Emilie Dumetz 12 2.0 0.17 3 Victoria Courchesne 8 3.0 0.38 4 Emma Bergeron 46 51.0 1.11 5 Maude Frechette 46 146.0 3.17 6 Gabrielle Minier 38 72.0 1.89 7 Camille Theriault 27 28.0 1.04 8 Jael-Esther Telfort 40 110.5 2.75 9 Marianne Boucher 32 73.5 2.28 10 Catherine Lavigne 27 78.0 2.89 11 Jade Barrette 24 16.0 0.67 14 Gabriella Grenier 14 20.0 1.43 16 Madeleine Ouellet-L. 26 47.5 1.81 18 Sophie Tremblay 20 43.5 2.15 TM TEAM 46 0.0 0.00 SHERBROOKE.......... 46 694.0 15.09 Opponents........... 46 547.0 11.89 ## KILL (by K/Game) G K K/Game ---------------------------------------- 5 Maude Frechette 46 115 2.50 10 Catherine Lavigne 27 65 2.41 8 Jael-Esther Telfort 40 89 2.22 18 Sophie Tremblay 20 32 1.60 6 Gabrielle Minier 38 54 1.42 16 Madeleine Ouellet-L. 26 35 1.35 9 Marianne Boucher 32 43 1.34 14 Gabriella Grenier 14 12 0.86 7 Camille Theriault 27 19 0.70 11 Jade Barrette 24 14 0.58 4 Emma Bergeron 46 22 0.48 2 Emilie Dumetz 12 2 0.17 3 Victoria Courchesne 8 1 0.12 1 Danae Vaillancourt 46 3 0.07 TM TEAM 46 0 0.00 SHERBROOKE.......... 46 506 11.00 Opponents........... 46 428 9.30 ## SERVE (by ##) G SA SE TA Pct SA/G -------------------------------------------------------- 2 Emilie Dumetz 12 0 1 3 .667 0.00 3 Victoria Courchesne 8 2 2 10 .800 0.25 4 Emma Bergeron 46 15 11 195 .944 0.33 5 Maude Frechette 46 17 25 173 .855 0.37 6 Gabrielle Minier 38 5 12 76 .842 0.13 7 Camille Theriault 27 9 10 66 .848 0.33 8 Jael-Esther Telfort 40 13 21 140 .850 0.32 9 Marianne Boucher 32 3 16 63 .746 0.09 10 Catherine Lavigne 27 6 16 65 .754 0.22 11 Jade Barrette 24 1 3 36 .917 0.04 13 Catherine Meilleur 1 0 1 1 .000 0.00 14 Gabriella Grenier 14 2 4 24 .833 0.14 15 Ariane Fortin-Haines 27 0 0 1 1.000 0.00 16 Madeleine Ouellet-L. 26 6 11 63 .825 0.23 18 Sophie Tremblay 20 10 9 25 .640 0.50 SHERBROOKE.......... 46 89 142 941 .849 1.93 Opponents........... 46 57 101 820 .877 1.24 ## DEFENSE (by BHE) G DIG Dig/G BHE -------------------------------------------- 4 Emma Bergeron 46 111 2.41 4 18 Sophie Tremblay 20 22 1.10 2 9 Marianne Boucher 32 8 0.25 1 8 Jael-Esther Telfort 40 42 1.05 1 5 Maude Frechette 46 102 2.22 1 16 Madeleine Ouellet-L. 26 12 0.46 1 15 Ariane Fortin-Haines 27 53 1.96 1 14 Gabriella Grenier 14 6 0.43 0 11 Jade Barrette 24 28 1.17 0 10 Catherine Lavigne 27 40 1.48 0 7 Camille Theriault 27 32 1.19 0 6 Gabrielle Minier 38 28 0.74 0 3 Victoria Courchesne 8 1 0.12 0 2 Emilie Dumetz 12 5 0.42 0 1 Danae Vaillancourt 46 108 2.35 0 SHERBROOKE.......... 46 598 13.00 11 Opponents........... 46 569 12.37 21 ## RECEPT (by RE/Game) G RE RE/Gm TA Pct --------------------------------------------------- 10 Catherine Lavigne 27 10 0.37 102 .902 1 Danae Vaillancourt 46 14 0.30 274 .949 18 Sophie Tremblay 20 6 0.30 9 .333 5 Maude Frechette 46 9 0.20 150 .940 TM TEAM 46 9 0.20 46 .804 8 Jael-Esther Telfort 40 5 0.12 14 .643 11 Jade Barrette 24 1 0.04 40 .975 7 Camille Theriault 27 1 0.04 68 .985 6 Gabrielle Minier 38 0 0.00 3 1.000 15 Ariane Fortin-Haines 27 0 0.00 4 1.000 16 Madeleine Ouellet-L. 26 0 0.00 1 1.000 4 Emma Bergeron 46 0 0.00 6 1.000 SHERBROOKE.......... 46 55 1.20 717 .923 Opponents........... 46 88 1.91 811 .891

Combined Team Statistics

Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022 Sherbrooke Combined Team Statistics (as of Feb 27, 2022) All matches RECORD: OVERALL HOME AWAY NEUTRAL ALL MATCHES......... ( 9-3 ) ( 4-2 ) ( 5-1 ) ( 0-0 ) CONFERENCE.......... ( 9-3 ) ( 4-2 ) ( 5-1 ) ( 0-0 ) NON-CONFERENCE...... ( 0-0 ) ( 0-0 ) ( 0-0 ) ( 0-0 ) |---------ATTACK----------| |--SET---| |----SERVE----| |--DIG---| |------BLOCKING-------| ## STATS SUMMARY G K K/G E TA Pct A A/G SA SE SA/G RE DIG D/G BS BA Total B/G BE BHE Points ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Danae Vaillancourt 46 3 0.07 1 10 .200 32 0.70 0 0 0.00 14 108 2.35 0 0 0 0.00 1 0 3.0 2 Emilie Dumetz 12 2 0.17 0 3 .667 12 1.00 0 1 0.00 0 5 0.42 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 2.0 3 Victoria Courchesne 8 1 0.12 0 1 1.000 0 0.00 2 2 0.25 0 1 0.12 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 3.0 4 Emma Bergeron 46 22 0.48 6 62 .258 363 7.89 15 11 0.33 0 111 2.41 7 14 21 0.46 8 4 51.0 5 Maude Frechette 46 115 2.50 45 312 .224 20 0.43 17 25 0.37 9 102 2.22 7 14 21 0.46 1 1 146.0 6 Gabrielle Minier 38 54 1.42 15 139 .281 6 0.16 5 12 0.13 0 28 0.74 4 18 22 0.58 4 0 72.0 7 Camille Theriault 27 19 0.70 13 61 .098 16 0.59 9 10 0.33 1 32 1.19 0 0 0 0.00 3 0 28.0 8 Jael-Esther Telfort 40 89 2.22 38 241 .212 6 0.15 13 21 0.32 5 42 1.05 4 9 13 0.32 3 1 110.5 9 Marianne Boucher 32 43 1.34 24 108 .176 1 0.03 3 16 0.09 0 8 0.25 18 19 37 1.16 4 1 73.5 10 Catherine Lavigne 27 65 2.41 22 161 .267 2 0.07 6 16 0.22 10 40 1.48 1 12 13 0.48 1 0 78.0 11 Jade Barrette 24 14 0.58 7 63 .111 3 0.12 1 3 0.04 1 28 1.17 1 0 1 0.04 3 0 16.0 13 Catherine Meilleur 1 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0 1 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0 14 Gabriella Grenier 14 12 0.86 6 29 .207 1 0.07 2 4 0.14 0 6 0.43 3 6 9 0.64 1 0 20.0 15 Ariane Fortin-Haines 27 0 0.00 0 0 .000 3 0.11 0 0 0.00 0 53 1.96 0 0 0 0.00 0 1 0.0 16 Madeleine Ouellet-L. 26 35 1.35 20 100 .150 3 0.12 6 11 0.23 0 12 0.46 1 11 12 0.46 2 1 47.5 18 Sophie Tremblay 20 32 1.60 13 90 .211 2 0.10 10 9 0.50 6 22 1.10 0 3 3 0.15 4 2 43.5 TEAM 9 SHERBROOKE.......... 46 506 11.00 211 1381 .214 470 10.22 89 142 1.93 55 598 13.00 46 106 99.0 2.15 35 11 694.0 Opponents........... 46 428 9.30 282 1432 .102 401 8.72 57 101 1.24 88 569 12.37 33 58 62.0 1.35 28 21 547.0 TEAM STATISTICS SHE OPP -------------------------------------- ATTACK.............. Kills............. 506 428 Errors............ 211 282 Total Attacks..... 1381 1432 Attack Pct........ .214 .102 Kills/Game........ 11.0 9.3 SET................. Assists........... 470 401 Attempts.......... 527 484 Assist Pct........ .892 .829 Assists/Game...... 10.2 8.7 SERVE............... Aces.............. 89 57 Errors............ 142 101 Attempts.......... 941 820 Serve Pct......... .849 .877 Aces/Game......... 1.9 1.2 SERVE RECEPTIONS.... Errors............ 55 88 Errors/Game....... 1.2 1.9 Attempts.......... 717 811 Reception Pct..... .923 .891 DEFENSE............. Digs.............. 598 569 Digs/Game......... 13.0 12.4 BLOCKING............ Block Solo........ 46 33 Block Assist...... 106 58 Total Blocks...... 99.0 62.0 Blocks Per Game... 2.2 1.3 Block Errors...... 35 28 BALL HANDLING ERRORS 11 21 ATTENDANCE.......... Total............. 679 750 Dates/Avg Per Date 6/113 6/125 Neutral site #/Avg 0/0 Current win streak 1 - Home win streak... 0 - DATE OPPONENT W/L SCORE SCORE-BY-GAME ATTEND ---------- ---------------------- --- ----- ----------------------------- ------ * 2021-10-17 LAVAL W 3-0 25-14,25-12,25-18 80 * 2021-10-22 at McGill W 3-1 25-21,26-24,14-25,25-22 - * 2021-10-24 OTTAWA W 3-0 25-15,25-8,25-13 69 * 2021-10-29 UQAM L 0-3 18-25,24-26,24-26 111 * 2021-11-06 at Laval W 3-0 25-18,25-21,25-10 600 * 2021-11-12 MCGILL W 3-1 25-21,25-14,20-25,25-19 169 * 2021-11-14 at Ottawa W 3-1 25-20,19-25,25-14,25-12 150 * 2021-11-19 at Montreal W 3-2 16-25,25-20,21-25,25-21,15-12 - * 2021-11-26 UQTR W 3-1 25-10,21-25,25-15,25-18 69 * 2021-11-28 at UQAM L 1-3 26-28,19-25,25-17,22-25 - * 2022-02-18 MONTREAL L 2-3 14-25,18-25,25-21,25-18,11-15 181 * 2022-02-25 at UQTR W 3-1 23-25,25-18,25-16,25-13 -

Volleyball Statistics

Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022 Sherbrooke Volleyball Statistics (as of Feb 27, 2022) All matches Overall record: 9-3 Conf: 9-3 Home: 4-2 Away: 5-1 Neutral: 0-0 OVERALL CONFERENCE |--------ATTACK-----------| |--SET---| |--------ATTACK-----------| |--SET---| ## Name G K K/G E TA Pct A A/G Points G K K/G E TA Pct A A/G Points ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- 1 Danae Vaillancourt.. 46 3 0.07 1 10 .200 32 0.70 3.0 46 3 0.07 1 10 .200 32 0.70 3.0 2 Emilie Dumetz....... 12 2 0.17 0 3 .667 12 1.00 2.0 12 2 0.17 0 3 .667 12 1.00 2.0 3 Victoria Courchesne. 8 1 0.12 0 1 1.000 0 0.00 3.0 8 1 0.12 0 1 1.000 0 0.00 3.0 4 Emma Bergeron....... 46 22 0.48 6 62 .258 363 7.89 51.0 46 22 0.48 6 62 .258 363 7.89 51.0 5 Maude Frechette..... 46 115 2.50 45 312 .224 20 0.43 146.0 46 115 2.50 45 312 .224 20 0.43 146.0 6 Gabrielle Minier.... 38 54 1.42 15 139 .281 6 0.16 72.0 38 54 1.42 15 139 .281 6 0.16 72.0 7 Camille Theriault... 27 19 0.70 13 61 .098 16 0.59 28.0 27 19 0.70 13 61 .098 16 0.59 28.0 8 Jael-Esther Telfort. 40 89 2.22 38 241 .212 6 0.15 110.5 40 89 2.22 38 241 .212 6 0.15 110.5 9 Marianne Boucher.... 32 43 1.34 24 108 .176 1 0.03 73.5 32 43 1.34 24 108 .176 1 0.03 73.5 10 Catherine Lavigne... 27 65 2.41 22 161 .267 2 0.07 78.0 27 65 2.41 22 161 .267 2 0.07 78.0 11 Jade Barrette....... 24 14 0.58 7 63 .111 3 0.12 16.0 24 14 0.58 7 63 .111 3 0.12 16.0 13 Catherine Meilleur.. 1 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0.0 1 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0.0 14 Gabriella Grenier... 14 12 0.86 6 29 .207 1 0.07 20.0 14 12 0.86 6 29 .207 1 0.07 20.0 15 Ariane Fortin-Haines 27 0 0.00 0 0 .000 3 0.11 0.0 27 0 0.00 0 0 .000 3 0.11 0.0 16 Madeleine Ouellet-L. 26 35 1.35 20 100 .150 3 0.12 47.5 26 35 1.35 20 100 .150 3 0.12 47.5 18 Sophie Tremblay..... 20 32 1.60 13 90 .211 2 0.10 43.5 20 32 1.60 13 90 .211 2 0.10 43.5 SHERBROOKE.......... 46 506 11.00 211 1381 .214 470 10.22 694.0 46 506 11.00 211 1381 .214 470 10.22 694.0 Opponents........... 46 428 9.30 282 1432 .102 401 8.72 547.0 46 428 9.30 282 1432 .102 401 8.72 547.0 |--SERVE--| |---DIG---| |-----BLOCKING-----| |--SERVE--| |---DIG---| |-----BLOCKING-----| Name SA SA/Gm RE DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game SA SA/Gm RE DIG Dig/G BS BA Total B/Game --------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Danae Vaillancourt.. 0 0.00 14 108 2.35 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 14 108 2.35 0 0 0 0.00 Emilie Dumetz....... 0 0.00 0 5 0.42 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 5 0.42 0 0 0 0.00 Victoria Courchesne. 2 0.25 0 1 0.12 0 0 0 0.00 2 0.25 0 1 0.12 0 0 0 0.00 Emma Bergeron....... 15 0.33 0 111 2.41 7 14 21 0.46 15 0.33 0 111 2.41 7 14 21 0.46 Maude Frechette..... 17 0.37 9 102 2.22 7 14 21 0.46 17 0.37 9 102 2.22 7 14 21 0.46 Gabrielle Minier.... 5 0.13 0 28 0.74 4 18 22 0.58 5 0.13 0 28 0.74 4 18 22 0.58 Camille Theriault... 9 0.33 1 32 1.19 0 0 0 0.00 9 0.33 1 32 1.19 0 0 0 0.00 Jael-Esther Telfort. 13 0.32 5 42 1.05 4 9 13 0.32 13 0.32 5 42 1.05 4 9 13 0.32 Marianne Boucher.... 3 0.09 0 8 0.25 18 19 37 1.16 3 0.09 0 8 0.25 18 19 37 1.16 Catherine Lavigne... 6 0.22 10 40 1.48 1 12 13 0.48 6 0.22 10 40 1.48 1 12 13 0.48 Jade Barrette....... 1 0.04 1 28 1.17 1 0 1 0.04 1 0.04 1 28 1.17 1 0 1 0.04 Catherine Meilleur.. 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 Gabriella Grenier... 2 0.14 0 6 0.43 3 6 9 0.64 2 0.14 0 6 0.43 3 6 9 0.64 Ariane Fortin-Haines 0 0.00 0 53 1.96 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 53 1.96 0 0 0 0.00 Madeleine Ouellet-L. 6 0.23 0 12 0.46 1 11 12 0.46 6 0.23 0 12 0.46 1 11 12 0.46 Sophie Tremblay..... 10 0.50 6 22 1.10 0 3 3 0.15 10 0.50 6 22 1.10 0 3 3 0.15 TEAM................ 9 9 SHERBROOKE.......... 89 1.93 55 598 13.00 46 106 99.0 2.15 89 1.93 55 598 13.00 46 106 99.0 2.15 Opponents........... 57 1.24 88 569 12.37 33 58 62.0 1.35 57 1.24 88 569 12.37 33 58 62.0 1.35

Team Match-by-Match

Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022 Sherbrooke Team Match-by-Match (as of Feb 27, 2022) All matches |-------ATTACK------| |-----SET-----| |-------SERVE------| |----RECEPT---| DEF |-------BLOCK------| GEN Date Opponent GP K E TA Pct A TA Pct SA SE TA Pct RE TA Pct DIG BS BA BE Total BHE Points 2021-10-17 LAVAL.................. 3 35 11 75 .320 29 31 .935 4 13 74 .824 0 37 1.000 41 6 18 1 15.0 0 54.0 2021-10-22 at McGill.............. 4 35 22 115 .113 35 37 .946 6 21 88 .761 8 80 .900 37 5 12 1 11.0 1 52.0 2021-10-24 OTTAWA................. 3 37 10 77 .351 34 81 .420 8 7 73 .904 0 28 1.000 44 3 10 1 8.0 0 53.0 2021-10-29 UQAM................... 3 41 19 98 .224 37 39 .949 4 10 65 .846 4 70 .943 37 2 0 0 2.0 0 47.0 2021-11-06 at Laval............... 3 37 12 90 .278 35 59 .593 5 9 73 .877 4 41 .902 41 5 10 1 10.0 0 52.0 2021-11-12 MCGILL................. 4 49 21 135 .207 44 46 .957 5 7 94 .926 2 68 .971 62 2 10 0 7.0 1 61.0 2021-11-14 at Ottawa.............. 4 44 12 109 .294 42 47 .894 19 11 93 .882 10 64 .844 51 5 6 0 8.0 0 71.0 2021-11-19 at Montreal............ 5 50 25 147 .170 49 49 1.000 5 11 102 .892 6 88 .932 53 3 18 5 12.0 2 67.0 2021-11-26 UQTR................... 4 41 14 112 .241 36 0 .000 6 15 0 .000 4 0 .000 55 4 8 1 8.0 5 55.0 2021-11-28 at UQAM................ 4 45 26 155 .123 44 46 .957 7 10 88 .886 5 84 .940 71 4 2 15 5.0 0 57.0 2022-02-18 MONTREAL............... 5 50 26 144 .167 44 47 .936 10 14 94 .851 7 94 .926 45 2 8 2 6.0 2 66.0 2022-02-25 at UQTR................ 4 42 13 124 .234 41 45 .911 10 14 97 .856 5 63 .921 61 5 4 8 7.0 0 59.0 Sherbrooke.......................... 46 506 211 1381 .214 470 527 .892 89 142 941 .849 55 717 .923 598 46 106 35 99.0 11 694.0 Opponent............................ 46 428 282 1432 .102 401 484 .829 57 101 820 .877 88 811 .891 569 33 58 28 62.0 21 547.0 TEAM PER-GAME: Games played: 46 Kills per game: 11.00 Assists per game: 10.22 Service aces per game: 1.93 Reception errors per game: 1.20 Digs per game: 13.00 Blocks per game: 2.15 Ball handling errors per game: 0.24 Reception errors per game: 1.20 Points per game: 15.09 Overall record: 9-3 Conf: 9-3 Home: 4-2 Away: 5-1 Neutral: 0-0

Opponent Match-by-Match

Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022 Sherbrooke Opponent Match-by-Match (as of Feb 27, 2022) All matches OPPONENT STATS |-------ATTACK------| |-----SET-----| |-------SERVE------| |----RECEPT---| DEF |-------BLOCK------| GEN Date Opponent GP K E TA Pct A TA Pct SA SE TA Pct RE TA Pct DIG BS BA BE Total BHE Points 2021-10-17 LAVAL.................. 3 18 28 95 -.105 16 16 1.000 0 8 45 .822 4 61 .934 27 1 2 0 2.0 0 20.0 2021-10-22 at McGill.............. 4 34 28 110 .055 34 38 .895 8 7 87 .920 6 67 .910 47 5 6 0 8.0 0 50.0 2021-10-24 OTTAWA................. 3 16 19 88 -.034 15 90 .167 0 9 38 .763 8 66 .879 28 3 2 2 4.0 1 20.0 2021-10-29 UQAM................... 3 39 15 97 .247 35 36 .972 5 4 76 .947 4 56 .929 30 8 0 0 8.0 1 52.0 2021-11-06 at Laval............... 3 23 26 101 -.030 19 42 .452 4 4 51 .922 5 60 .917 36 2 2 3 3.0 1 30.0 2021-11-12 MCGILL................. 4 46 27 149 .128 40 40 1.000 2 12 80 .850 5 87 .943 58 3 4 3 5.0 2 53.0 2021-11-14 at Ottawa.............. 4 33 20 110 .118 31 32 .969 10 8 72 .889 19 82 .768 43 2 2 0 3.0 0 46.0 2021-11-19 at Montreal............ 5 58 29 153 .190 58 58 1.000 6 14 102 .863 5 91 .945 66 3 8 0 7.0 4 71.0 2021-11-26 UQTR................... 4 31 18 106 .123 31 0 .000 4 9 0 .000 5 0 .000 48 1 6 0 4.0 9 39.0 2021-11-28 at UQAM................ 4 47 23 158 .152 47 50 .940 6 8 93 .914 7 78 .910 75 1 16 8 9.0 1 62.0 2022-02-18 MONTREAL............... 5 51 22 135 .215 43 44 .977 7 8 103 .922 10 80 .875 56 4 8 3 8.0 2 66.0 2022-02-25 at UQTR................ 4 32 27 130 .038 32 38 .842 5 10 73 .863 10 83 .880 55 0 2 9 1.0 0 38.0 Opponent totals..................... 46 428 282 1432 .102 401 484 .829 57 101 820 .877 88 811 .891 569 33 58 28 62.0 21 547.0 Sherbrooke.......................... 46 506 211 1381 .214 470 527 .892 89 142 941 .849 55 717 .923 598 46 106 35 99.0 11 694.0 OPPONENT PER-GAME: Games played: 46 Kills per game: 9.30 Assists per game: 8.72 Service aces per game: 1.24 Reception errors per game: 1.91 Digs per game: 12.37 Blocks per game: 1.35 Ball handling errors per game: 0.46 Reception errors per game: 1.91 Points per game: 11.89

Team Match-by-Match Comparison

Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022 Sherbrooke Team Match-by-Match Comparison (as of Feb 27, 2022) All matches |-----------------ATTACK------------------| |--SET--| |------SERVE------| Opponent Score GP Kills Errors Total Pct A SA SE -------- ----- --- ----/---- ----/---- ----/---- ------/------ ----/---- ----/---- ----/---- LAVAL............... 3-0 3 35/18 11/28 75/95 .320/-.105 29/16 4/0 13/8 McGill.............. 3-1 4 35/34 22/28 115/110 .113/ .055 35/34 6/8 21/7 OTTAWA.............. 3-0 3 37/16 10/19 77/88 .351/-.034 34/15 8/0 7/9 UQAM................ 0-3 3 41/39 19/15 98/97 .224/ .247 37/35 4/5 10/4 Laval............... 3-0 3 37/23 12/26 90/101 .278/-.030 35/19 5/4 9/4 MCGILL.............. 3-1 4 49/46 21/27 135/149 .207/ .128 44/40 5/2 7/12 Ottawa.............. 3-1 4 44/33 12/20 109/110 .294/ .118 42/31 19/10 11/8 Montreal............ 3-2 5 50/58 25/29 147/153 .170/ .190 49/58 5/6 11/14 UQTR................ 3-1 4 41/31 14/18 112/106 .241/ .123 36/31 6/4 15/9 UQAM................ 1-3 4 45/47 26/23 155/158 .123/ .152 44/47 7/6 10/8 MONTREAL............ 2-3 5 50/51 26/22 144/135 .167/ .215 44/43 10/7 14/8 UQTR................ 3-1 4 42/32 13/27 124/130 .234/ .038 41/32 10/5 14/10 Totals.............. 30-16 46 506/428 211/282 1381/1432 .214/ .102 470/401 89/57 142/101 Note: Match totals are displayed in the format TEAM/OPPONENT for each category
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022 Sherbrooke Team Match-by-Match Comparison (as of Feb 27, 2022) All matches |--PASS-| |--DEF--| |-----------------BLOCK-----------------| |--GEN--| Opponent RE DIG BS-BA BE Total BHE -------- ----/---- ----/---- ---------/--------- ----/---- -----/----- ----/---- LAVAL............... 0/4 41/27 6-18 / 1-2 1/0 15.0/ 2.0 0/0 McGill.............. 8/6 37/47 5-12 / 5-6 1/0 11.0/ 8.0 1/0 OTTAWA.............. 0/8 44/28 3-10 / 3-2 1/2 8.0/ 4.0 0/1 UQAM................ 4/4 37/30 2-0 / 8-0 0/0 2.0/ 8.0 0/1 Laval............... 4/5 41/36 5-10 / 2-2 1/3 10.0/ 3.0 0/1 MCGILL.............. 2/5 62/58 2-10 / 3-4 0/3 7.0/ 5.0 1/2 Ottawa.............. 10/19 51/43 5-6 / 2-2 0/0 8.0/ 3.0 0/0 Montreal............ 6/5 53/66 3-18 / 3-8 5/0 12.0/ 7.0 2/4 UQTR................ 4/5 55/48 4-8 / 1-6 1/0 8.0/ 4.0 5/9 UQAM................ 5/7 71/75 4-2 / 1-16 15/8 5.0/ 9.0 0/1 MONTREAL............ 7/10 45/56 2-8 / 4-8 2/3 6.0/ 8.0 2/2 UQTR................ 5/10 61/55 5-4 / 0-2 8/9 7.0/ 1.0 0/0 Totals.............. 55/88 598/569 46-106 / 33-58 35/28 99.0/ 62.0 11/21 Note: Match totals are displayed in the format TEAM/OPPONENT for each category

Match Highs

Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022 Sherbrooke Match Highs (as of Feb 27, 2022) All matches INDIVIDUAL MATCH HIGHS ATTACK PERCENT (K-E-TA) minimum 12 kills .423 (13- 2-26) Jael-Esther Telfort vs UQAM (2021-10-29) .346 (12- 3-26) Jael-Esther Telfort at Montreal (2021-11-19) .324 (17- 5-37) Maude Frechette at UQAM (2021-11-28) .267 (13- 5-30) Maude Frechette vs UQTR (2021-11-26) .261 (12- 6-23) Catherine Lavigne vs UQAM (2021-10-29) .226 (12- 5-31) Jael-Esther Telfort vs McGill (2021-11-12) .171 (13- 7-35) Maude Frechette vs Montreal (2022-02-18) KILLS (K-E-TA) 17 (17- 5-37) 4g Maude Frechette at UQAM (2021-11-28) 13 (13- 7-35) 5g Maude Frechette vs Montreal (2022-02-18) 13 (13- 5-30) 4g Maude Frechette vs UQTR (2021-11-26) 13 (13- 2-26) 3g Jael-Esther Telfort vs UQAM (2021-10-29) 12 (12- 3-26) 5g Jael-Esther Telfort at Montreal (2021-11-19) 12 (12- 6-23) 3g Catherine Lavigne vs UQAM (2021-10-29) 12 (12- 5-31) 4g Jael-Esther Telfort vs McGill (2021-11-12) 10 (10- 6-39) 5g Maude Frechette at Montreal (2021-11-19) 10 (10- 6-28) 5g Camille Theriault at Montreal (2021-11-19) 10 (10- 4-25) 3g Catherine Lavigne vs Laval (2021-10-17) KILLS 3-GAMES (K-E-TA) 13 (13- 2-26) Jael-Esther Telfort vs UQAM (2021-10-29) 12 (12- 6-23) Catherine Lavigne vs UQAM (2021-10-29) 10 (10- 2-14) Marianne Boucher at Laval (2021-11-06) 10 (10- 4-25) Catherine Lavigne vs Laval (2021-10-17) 9 ( 9- 3-23) Jael-Esther Telfort at Laval (2021-11-06) KILLS 4-GAMES (K-E-TA) 17 (17- 5-37) Maude Frechette at UQAM (2021-11-28) 13 (13- 5-30) Maude Frechette vs UQTR (2021-11-26) 12 (12- 5-31) Jael-Esther Telfort vs McGill (2021-11-12) 10 (10- 2-22) Catherine Lavigne vs McGill (2021-11-12) 10 (10- 2-21) Maude Frechette at Ottawa (2021-11-14) KILLS 5-GAMES (K-E-TA) 13 (13- 7-35) Maude Frechette vs Montreal (2022-02-18) 12 (12- 3-26) Jael-Esther Telfort at Montreal (2021-11-19) 10 (10- 6-39) Maude Frechette at Montreal (2021-11-19) 10 (10- 6-28) Camille Theriault at Montreal (2021-11-19) 9 ( 9- 2-21) Gabrielle Minier vs Montreal (2022-02-18) TOTAL ATTEMPTS (K-E-TA) 39 (10- 6-39) 5g Maude Frechette at Montreal (2021-11-19) 37 (17- 5-37) 4g Maude Frechette at UQAM (2021-11-28) 35 (13- 7-35) 5g Maude Frechette vs Montreal (2022-02-18) 31 (12- 5-31) 4g Jael-Esther Telfort vs McGill (2021-11-12) 30 (13- 5-30) 4g Maude Frechette vs UQTR (2021-11-26) 28 (10- 6-28) 5g Camille Theriault at Montreal (2021-11-19) 27 ( 6- 4-27) 5g Catherine Lavigne vs Montreal (2022-02-18) 27 ( 7- 7-27) 4g Maude Frechette at McGill (2021-10-22) 26 ( 7- 7-26) 4g Jael-Esther Telfort at UQAM (2021-11-28) 26 (12- 3-26) 5g Jael-Esther Telfort at Montreal (2021-11-19) TOTAL ATTEMPTS 3-GAMES (K-E-TA) 26 (13- 2-26) Jael-Esther Telfort vs UQAM (2021-10-29) 25 (10- 4-25) Catherine Lavigne vs Laval (2021-10-17) 23 (12- 6-23) Catherine Lavigne vs UQAM (2021-10-29) 23 ( 9- 3-23) Jael-Esther Telfort at Laval (2021-11-06) 21 ( 4- 1-21) Maude Frechette at Laval (2021-11-06) TOTAL ATTEMPTS 4-GAMES (K-E-TA) 37 (17- 5-37) Maude Frechette at UQAM (2021-11-28) 31 (12- 5-31) Jael-Esther Telfort vs McGill (2021-11-12) 30 (13- 5-30) Maude Frechette vs UQTR (2021-11-26) 27 ( 7- 7-27) Maude Frechette at McGill (2021-10-22) 26 ( 7- 7-26) Jael-Esther Telfort at UQAM (2021-11-28) TOTAL ATTEMPTS 5-GAMES (K-E-TA) 39 (10- 6-39) Maude Frechette at Montreal (2021-11-19) 35 (13- 7-35) Maude Frechette vs Montreal (2022-02-18) 28 (10- 6-28) Camille Theriault at Montreal (2021-11-19) 27 ( 6- 4-27) Catherine Lavigne vs Montreal (2022-02-18) 26 (12- 3-26) Jael-Esther Telfort at Montreal (2021-11-19)
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022 Sherbrooke Match Highs (as of Feb 27, 2022) All matches POINTS 17.5 (17- 0- 0.5) 4g Maude Frechette at UQAM (2021-11-28) 16.0 (13- 1- 2.0) 4g Maude Frechette vs UQTR (2021-11-26) 14.5 (10- 4- 0.5) 4g Maude Frechette at Ottawa (2021-11-14) 14.5 (13- 1- 0.5) 5g Maude Frechette vs Montreal (2022-02-18) 14.0 (12- 1- 1.0) 4g Jael-Esther Telfort vs McGill (2021-11-12) POINTS 3-GAMES 14.0 (13- 0- 1.0) Jael-Esther Telfort vs UQAM (2021-10-29) 13.5 (10- 1- 2.5) Marianne Boucher at Laval (2021-11-06) 12.5 ( 9- 0- 3.5) Maude Frechette vs Ottawa (2021-10-24) 12.5 (10- 0- 2.5) Catherine Lavigne vs Laval (2021-10-17) 12.5 ( 8- 3- 1.5) Maude Frechette vs Laval (2021-10-17) POINTS 4-GAMES 17.5 (17- 0- 0.5) Maude Frechette at UQAM (2021-11-28) 16.0 (13- 1- 2.0) Maude Frechette vs UQTR (2021-11-26) 14.5 (10- 4- 0.5) Maude Frechette at Ottawa (2021-11-14) 14.0 (12- 1- 1.0) Jael-Esther Telfort vs McGill (2021-11-12) 14.0 ( 9- 3- 2.0) Maude Frechette at UQTR (2022-02-25) POINTS 5-GAMES 14.5 (13- 1- 0.5) Maude Frechette vs Montreal (2022-02-18) 14.0 (12- 0- 2.0) Jael-Esther Telfort at Montreal (2021-11-19) 12.5 ( 9- 0- 3.5) Gabrielle Minier vs Montreal (2022-02-18) 12.0 (10- 2- 0.0) Camille Theriault at Montreal (2021-11-19) 11.5 (10- 0- 1.5) Maude Frechette at Montreal (2021-11-19)
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022 Sherbrooke Match Highs (as of Feb 27, 2022) All matches ASSISTS 44 (5g) Emma Bergeron at Montreal (2021-11-19) 41 (5g) Emma Bergeron vs Montreal (2022-02-18) 39 (4g) Emma Bergeron vs McGill (2021-11-12) 35 (4g) Emma Bergeron at UQAM (2021-11-28) 32 (4g) Emma Bergeron vs UQTR (2021-11-26) ASSISTS 3-GAMES 30 Emma Bergeron vs UQAM (2021-10-29) 27 Emma Bergeron at Laval (2021-11-06) 25 Emma Bergeron vs Laval (2021-10-17) 23 Emma Bergeron vs Ottawa (2021-10-24) 5 Emilie Dumetz vs UQAM (2021-10-29) ASSISTS 4-GAMES 39 Emma Bergeron vs McGill (2021-11-12) 35 Emma Bergeron at UQAM (2021-11-28) 32 Emma Bergeron vs UQTR (2021-11-26) 32 Emma Bergeron at UQTR (2022-02-25) 30 Emma Bergeron at McGill (2021-10-22) ASSISTS 5-GAMES 44 Emma Bergeron at Montreal (2021-11-19) 41 Emma Bergeron vs Montreal (2022-02-18) 4 Danae Vaillancourt at Montreal (2021-11-19) 1 Madeleine Ouellet-L. vs Montreal (2022-02-18) 1 Gabrielle Minier vs Montreal (2022-02-18) DIGS 20 (4g) Danae Vaillancourt vs UQTR (2021-11-26) 14 (4g) Maude Frechette at UQAM (2021-11-28) 14 (5g) Camille Theriault at Montreal (2021-11-19) 13 (5g) Danae Vaillancourt at Montreal (2021-11-19) 13 (4g) Emma Bergeron at UQAM (2021-11-28) DIGS 3-GAMES 10 Emma Bergeron at Laval (2021-11-06) 9 Danae Vaillancourt vs UQAM (2021-10-29) 9 Jade Barrette vs Ottawa (2021-10-24) 9 Maude Frechette vs Ottawa (2021-10-24) 9 Emma Bergeron vs Laval (2021-10-17) DIGS 4-GAMES 20 Danae Vaillancourt vs UQTR (2021-11-26) 14 Maude Frechette at UQAM (2021-11-28) 13 Emma Bergeron at UQAM (2021-11-28) 12 Maude Frechette at UQTR (2022-02-25) 12 Maude Frechette at Ottawa (2021-11-14) DIGS 5-GAMES 14 Camille Theriault at Montreal (2021-11-19) 13 Danae Vaillancourt at Montreal (2021-11-19) 10 Emma Bergeron at Montreal (2021-11-19) 10 Maude Frechette vs Montreal (2022-02-18) 7 Danae Vaillancourt vs Montreal (2022-02-18) ACES 5 Camille Theriault at Ottawa (2021-11-14) 4 Maude Frechette at Ottawa (2021-11-14) 4 Emma Bergeron at Ottawa (2021-11-14) 3 Emma Bergeron vs UQTR (2021-11-26) 3 Gabrielle Minier vs UQAM (2021-10-29) BLOCKS (BS-BA) 9 ( 3- 6) Marianne Boucher vs Laval (2021-10-17) 6 ( 1- 5) Madeleine Ouellet-L. at Montreal (2021-11-19) 5 ( 2- 3) Gabrielle Minier vs Montreal (2022-02-18) 5 ( 2- 3) Marianne Boucher at Ottawa (2021-11-14) 5 ( 2- 3) Marianne Boucher vs McGill (2021-11-12) 5 ( 2- 3) Maude Frechette vs Ottawa (2021-10-24) 5 ( 1- 4) Marianne Boucher vs UQTR (2021-11-26) 5 ( 1- 4) Gabrielle Minier at Laval (2021-11-06) 5 ( 0- 5) Catherine Lavigne vs Laval (2021-10-17) 4 ( 3- 1) Marianne Boucher at McGill (2021-10-22)
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022 Sherbrooke Match Highs (as of Feb 27, 2022) All matches TEAM MATCH HIGHS ATTACK PERCENT (K-E-TA) .351 (37-10- 77) vs Ottawa (2021-10-24) .320 (35-11- 75) vs Laval (2021-10-17) .294 (44-12-109) at Ottawa (2021-11-14) .278 (37-12- 90) at Laval (2021-11-06) .241 (41-14-112) vs UQTR (2021-11-26) .234 (42-13-124) at UQTR (2022-02-25) .224 (41-19- 98) vs UQAM (2021-10-29) .207 (49-21-135) vs McGill (2021-11-12) .170 (50-25-147) at Montreal (2021-11-19) .167 (50-26-144) vs Montreal (2022-02-18) KILLS (K-E-TA) 50 (50-26-144) 5g vs Montreal (2022-02-18) 50 (50-25-147) 5g at Montreal (2021-11-19) 49 (49-21-135) 4g vs McGill (2021-11-12) 45 (45-26-155) 4g at UQAM (2021-11-28) 44 (44-12-109) 4g at Ottawa (2021-11-14) 42 (42-13-124) 4g at UQTR (2022-02-25) 41 (41-19- 98) 3g vs UQAM (2021-10-29) 41 (41-14-112) 4g vs UQTR (2021-11-26) 37 (37-12- 90) 3g at Laval (2021-11-06) 37 (37-10- 77) 3g vs Ottawa (2021-10-24) KILLS 3-GAMES (K-E-TA) 41 (41-19- 98) vs UQAM (2021-10-29) 37 (37-10- 77) vs Ottawa (2021-10-24) 37 (37-12- 90) at Laval (2021-11-06) 35 (35-11- 75) vs Laval (2021-10-17) KILLS 4-GAMES (K-E-TA) 49 (49-21-135) vs McGill (2021-11-12) 45 (45-26-155) at UQAM (2021-11-28) 44 (44-12-109) at Ottawa (2021-11-14) 42 (42-13-124) at UQTR (2022-02-25) 41 (41-14-112) vs UQTR (2021-11-26) KILLS 5-GAMES (K-E-TA) 50 (50-26-144) vs Montreal (2022-02-18) 50 (50-25-147) at Montreal (2021-11-19) TOTAL ATTEMPTS (K-E-TA) 155 (45-26-155) 4g at UQAM (2021-11-28) 147 (50-25-147) 5g at Montreal (2021-11-19) 144 (50-26-144) 5g vs Montreal (2022-02-18) 135 (49-21-135) 4g vs McGill (2021-11-12) 124 (42-13-124) 4g at UQTR (2022-02-25) 115 (35-22-115) 4g at McGill (2021-10-22) 112 (41-14-112) 4g vs UQTR (2021-11-26) 109 (44-12-109) 4g at Ottawa (2021-11-14) 98 (41-19- 98) 3g vs UQAM (2021-10-29) 90 (37-12- 90) 3g at Laval (2021-11-06) TOTAL ATTEMPTS 3-GAMES (K-E-TA) 98 (41-19- 98) vs UQAM (2021-10-29) 90 (37-12- 90) at Laval (2021-11-06) 77 (37-10- 77) vs Ottawa (2021-10-24) 75 (35-11- 75) vs Laval (2021-10-17) TOTAL ATTEMPTS 4-GAMES (K-E-TA) 155 (45-26-155) at UQAM (2021-11-28) 135 (49-21-135) vs McGill (2021-11-12) 124 (42-13-124) at UQTR (2022-02-25) 115 (35-22-115) at McGill (2021-10-22) 112 (41-14-112) vs UQTR (2021-11-26) TOTAL ATTEMPTS 5-GAMES (K-E-TA) 147 (50-25-147) at Montreal (2021-11-19) 144 (50-26-144) vs Montreal (2022-02-18)
Volleyball univ. féminin RSEQ 2021-2022 Sherbrooke Match Highs (as of Feb 27, 2022) All matches ASSISTS 49 (5g) at Montreal (2021-11-19) 44 (5g) vs Montreal (2022-02-18) 44 (4g) vs McGill (2021-11-12) 44 (4g) at UQAM (2021-11-28) 42 (4g) at Ottawa (2021-11-14) ASSISTS 3-GAMES 37 vs UQAM (2021-10-29) 35 at Laval (2021-11-06) 34 vs Ottawa (2021-10-24) 29 vs Laval (2021-10-17) ASSISTS 4-GAMES 44 vs McGill (2021-11-12) 44 at UQAM (2021-11-28) 42 at Ottawa (2021-11-14) 41 at UQTR (2022-02-25) 36 vs UQTR (2021-11-26) ASSISTS 5-GAMES 49 at Montreal (2021-11-19) 44 vs Montreal (2022-02-18) DIGS 71 (4g) at UQAM (2021-11-28) 62 (4g) vs McGill (2021-11-12) 61 (4g) at UQTR (2022-02-25) 55 (4g) vs UQTR (2021-11-26) 53 (5g) at Montreal (2021-11-19) DIGS 3-GAMES 44 vs Ottawa (2021-10-24) 41 at Laval (2021-11-06) 41 vs Laval (2021-10-17) 37 vs UQAM (2021-10-29) DIGS 4-GAMES 71 at UQAM (2021-11-28) 62 vs McGill (2021-11-12) 61 at UQTR (2022-02-25) 55 vs UQTR (2021-11-26) 51 at Ottawa (2021-11-14) DIGS 5-GAMES 53 at Montreal (2021-11-19) 45 vs Montreal (2022-02-18) ACES 19 at Ottawa (2021-11-14) 10 vs Montreal (2022-02-18) 10 at UQTR (2022-02-25) 8 vs Ottawa (2021-10-24) 7 at UQAM (2021-11-28) BLOCKS 15.0 vs Laval (2021-10-17) 12.0 at Montreal (2021-11-19) 11.0 at McGill (2021-10-22) 10.0 at Laval (2021-11-06) 8.0 vs UQTR (2021-11-26) 8.0 vs Ottawa (2021-10-24) 8.0 at Ottawa (2021-11-14) 7.0 vs McGill (2021-11-12) 7.0 at UQTR (2022-02-25) 6.0 vs Montreal (2022-02-18)